Philosophy Friday: How To Get What You Want

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash
You have goals, and you want to see them fulfilled. What is it you desire? More money, a stellar career, business success? Or maybe more friends and happier, more fulfilling relationships?
Whatever you want from other people—money, recognition, friendship—it’s simple enough to get.
All you have to do is add value to people’s lives.
But not just regular, this-is-what-I-am-paid-to-do value but EXTRAORDINARY VALUE.
Become a professional value-adder. Always be on the lookout for irritating problems. They are everywhere. Try solving them. You probably won’t fix all of them, but there is a good chance you’ll resolve some—and that will already be huge. Focus on others—listen to them and learn. All this advice is simple—but not easy.
Add Value—Always. Wherever you go. You will only get from life what you want if you help others achieve their dreams. We are often too focused on what we want. We would be better off thinking less of ourselves and more of others. Think less ‘Me’ and more ‘We’. Underpromise and overdeliver. Better still, don’t promise anything and deliver anyway!
“What’s bad for the hive is bad for the bee.”
— Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor & Philosopher
The inverse of Marcus’s quip is also true—what’s good for the hive is also good for the bee. By adding value to others, you are also helping yourself.
Whatever you do, don’t expect results immediately. Good things take time. Don’t worry—You’ll get your share. But not right away. It takes time. There is a delay, a lag. The value you’re creating must be first recognised and understood. And that can take weeks, months, or even years. But it will happen.
If you give extraordinary value to others, you will undoubtedly succeed in getting what you want.
Why not try it out for a year? What have you got to lose? Start adding extraordinary value today. Sniff out problems and solve them. Make the world a better place for all of us in the process. Just don’t expect anything in return—not for a while anyway. But then be prepared for a sudden flood of good things coming your way.
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