What Is Polymorphism? (Part 2)

What Is Polymorphism? (Part 2)


Yesterday’s article, which you can read here, explains the concept of Polymorphism with regards to Object-Oriented (OO) inheritance. In our example, class Shape is the parent to child classes Triangle, Square and Rectangle. A variable of type Shape can polymorphically hold a reference to an instance of Triangle, Rectangle or Square.

However, there is more to Polymorphism than inheritance relationships. It also applies to interfaces. At first glance, this may appear surprising. In inheritance, the parent class imposes a very rigid structure on child classes – interface and concrete behaviour is passed from parent to child. On the other hand, interfaces are much looser: They make no demands on behaviour – i.e. what implementers do in their methods.

Or do they? If we have an IShape interface containing a Circumference read-only property, then we can expect well-behaved implementers to calculate and return an appropriate value for their circumference. And that’s all they should do. The emphasis here is on well-behaved

What if an IShape implementer, say Rectangle, had a side-effect for Rectangle.Circumference, like updating a database? That would be unexpected. It would make Rectangle a poorly-behaved implementer of IShape.

Interfaces imply as much about behaviour as inheriting from base classes. The Liskov Substitution Principle makes the same point:

A program should function the same when we use a subtype instance for a base type reference“. 


Meaning when we have a subtype implementer of IShape, say Triangle or Square, then the program ought to function the same when using an instance of Triangle or an instance of Square. The program will certainly not act the same if a side-effect of calculating the Triangle‘s circumference involves updating a database. It’s not in the spirit of what a reasonable programmer would expect from an IShape implementation.

Or said even simpler – Don’t do unexpected, weird things. Maybe that is the message today. Be deterministic in your programming. Whatever you write today should make sense to you in 6 months and your fellow developers in 6 minutes.

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